How to Produce Online Content that Stands Out

As the world becomes more digital, businesses are turning to the internet for their marketing and advertising needs. While this makes finding products and services

Subscribing to Your Favorite Facebook People/Pages
Social Media

Subscribing to Your Favorite Facebook People/Pages

The battle between Twitter, Facebook, and now Google+ keeps getting more and more interesting. It all can be of great benefit to yourself, or to

Starting To Go To A Global Scale With Your Business
Digital Marketing

Starting To Go To A Global Scale With Your Business

There are a lot of amazing tools on the Internet that can help you when you want to expand your business globally. One of the

SEO Social Media

The Johnny Cash Project and Your Business

Today is the 8th anniversary of the death of one of my all time favorite artists, Johnny Cash. With the power of social media, and

Digital Marketing SEO

Why Organic Search?

I just recently talked about PPC and SEO working together to create a better product, answering the myth that SEO is not good for PPC.


What Questions Do You Have?

As Boostability has continued to grow, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about SEO, through a variety of different roles within our


Reorganizing Links With Google Webmaster Tool

Update: Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) has been rebranded to Google Search Console. Everything is exactly the same as it was before. Just a new name.


Free Google +1 Button for Chrome

I have been really excited about Google’s +1 since it was released a few months ago. It has been a lot of fun to add


Yearly Algorithm Changes at Google

Here is a short little clip talking about the Algorithm changes that are done each year at Google to improve search quality and make for


.com or .net?

Knowing how to choose the best type of domain will help get you that much closer to choosing the best domain name for your company.


Google PageRank

  A few years ago PageRank was a major ranking factor within the algorithm of Google search. It now is something that a lot of


Google Sitelinks has Improved

There have been a lot of changes in Google’s organic search with updates from Panda, and Google  getting rid of the most internet “junk” that