Yearly Algorithm Changes at Google

Here is a short little clip talking about the Algorithm changes that are done each year at Google to improve search quality and make for


.com or .net?

Knowing how to choose the best type of domain will help get you that much closer to choosing the best domain name for your company.


Google PageRank

  A few years ago PageRank was a major ranking factor within the algorithm of Google search. It now is something that a lot of


Google Sitelinks has Improved

There have been a lot of changes in Google’s organic search with updates from Panda, and Google  getting rid of the most internet “junk” that


Top 5 SEO Website Tips

There is a lot of great information out there on the internet. A lot of time and effort can be put into building websites, but


What is a Canonical Tag?

A Canonical tag is an HTML tag that you can add to your website when you have two or more pages with duplicate content, and

Digital Marketing SEO

Inside Google’s Search Team Video

A little less than a week ago, a video was released from the Churchill Club, which is a non-profit forum where those that are in

Digital Marketing

Top 5 Vital WordPress Plug-ins

A few days ago I talked about WordPress and the amazing tool that it can be for those wanting to build a website or blog


Happy Birthday World Wide Web!

On August 6, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee published a summary of the “World Wide Web project” to the alt.hypertext newsgroup, and the web as we know


The Wonderful World of WordPress

The majority of us are not web designers, and as a small business you may not even have a budget to hire someone to build

Create Internet Marketing Success by Using Google Maps Optimization

Create Internet Marketing Success by Using Google Maps Optimization

In the United States today, it can be difficult for the average citizen to find steady employment after the financial crisis of 2008. In many


Google+ Continues to Grow

It’s been just a few weeks since Google+ has opened to a much bigger audience and it is staggering to see how quickly they are