SaaS Businesses are different from other SMB or large businesses in many aspects. A business that runs on a Software as a Service(SaaS) model is often more creative and brings new innovation to the market. Sometimes they even create a new market altogether. Look no further than companies like Adobe or Zoom for great examples of how innovation can create a new marketplace. Developing a SaaS company is a fairly complex task as you have to have the product fairly robust before going to launch. Because of this unique innovation that is necessary in the business landscape, creating SEO strategies for them can often time be even harder. As their services are more innovative, it becomes a challenge to make people aware of the solutions to their problems and really drive search intent through organic channels.

However, following the right SEO and content marketing techniques, the rankings of most SaaS companies can be significantly improved. In this article we want to explore this avenue of unique SEO strategies specifically for a SaaS company. So let us go ahead and study the steps that can positively impact the organic SEO rankings of SaaS businesses.

Ways to Improve SEO Rankings for SaaS Companies

Some of the essential steps that SaaS organizations must follow to become SEO friendly are as follows:

1. Strategic Planning

The best step for any organization when creating a SEO strategy is to define their market. It should be evident that your services are beneficial for your target audience. For example, if you have HR software, then your targeted audience will be businesses of different sizes; from small-sized to enterprise that are in need of tracking employee information. And each cohort requires specific approaches. If your software is multimedia-based, then the target audience will be more on an individual level. By defining your market, the subsequent steps of the SEO ideation process become productive and easier. The possibilities of missing keywords or content opportunities become minimum and your market size expands.

When creating competent SEO strategies, remember the following points:

  • Do a thorough analysis of your competition.
  • Identify the core values propositions that you provide and that makes you unique in the industry.
  • Have a robust FAQ section that solidly goes over what questions you receive most often as well as ones to resolve concerns before they appear.

These points make it clear that really emphasizing your value proposition in a clear, concise manner can help your SEO strategy as users will come to your site and actually be satisfied. Too many times you see SaaS companies that only tell you the bare minimum with their websites simply to get you on the phone so they can sell to you.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is undoubtedly an essential parameter for all SEO strategies, regardless of vertical. It is the factor that makes up the core of your content strategy and website structure. Fundamental to keyword research is the intent to predict what questions a user will search and providing answers in the form of content on your site. The three basic aspects that defines a good keyword is popularity, difficulty, and searcher intent. If one successfully decodes these three aspects, implementing keywords in your content becomes easier as your content will have a more defined direction. To make your keyword research more productive, you can use a myriad of tools. Here are some of my favorite:

Tools for Keyword Research


Google Search Console

Use the Performance Report feature to find the keywords you already rank for and that need strengthening.


can help find halo keywords and synonyms for your already ranking keywords.


This is a powerful tool that generates keywords in seconds with multiple parameters.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

This keyword tool is known for proving in-depth details on each keyword.


This is a tool designed for professionals, and each keyword they provide comes with in-depth details.

SE Ranking

This tool helps provide a deep website audit and keywords specific for it.

This tool is efficient in producing keyword analysis from your competitor’s website.

3. Link Building

Backlinks are the bread-and-butter to any SEO campaign. The process of how you obtain those backlinks has changed significantly over the years. It used to be easy to aquire a site and load it up with link for positive results. However, now link building has evolved and is not all about the quantity, but quality. It is a way to improve the authority of your website but if your content doesn’t keep people engaged you will not rank. When Google finds the link to your website on several other quality websites, it gives its vote of confidence to your website. Although, for better rankings, it is essential to have more natural links on your website. To make backlink building for SaaS more effective, use the following strategies:

  • Anchors

When strategizing for SaaS SEO, use more of the diversified backlink profiles. Try to avoid commercial backlinks as much as you can. You should use both the branded and keyword anchors in equal amounts. This helps the website to retain its balance. It should be inclined towards quality information at the same time should see the commercial potential.

  • Host Websites

Whenever inserting the links on your website, make sure they belong to your niche. The rankings and the quality of your site can degrade using the low-quality inbound links.

4. Content Strategy Using Project Management Tools

When optimizing the content for SaaS website, the aim should be focused on improving the rankings and authority. There are primarily two types of content:

  • Website Content

Although content on the website should be optimized for specific keywords, it should be informative for the users. Having genuine and useful information on your page will make users share the content and help build your brand name.
SaaS services are there to offer solutions. So the content of each page should be designed to list benefits for various groups who may use the software.

  • Outreach Content

Having an outreach strategy for SaaS businesses is extremely important. They help in building a good backlink profile and also establish authority making you experts in the field. To build an authority for your niche, you can work through the given ways:

  • Reach out to reviewers and journalists to promote your brand.
  • Write relevant blogs and content related to your industry.
  • If possible, provide a demo or trial version of your product.
  • Make sure your content provides knowledge to interested people.

5. Project Management and SEO Softwares

An effective way of improving the SEO rankings of your SaaS website is by using several types of project management software. These tools are efficient in determining the parameters for making the website’s content highly optimized. These tools are competent enough to provide SEO insights for SaaS companies. They also help to identify the strategies for improving the website’s search relevance.


In a nutshell, these given pointers are the fundamental factors to achieve success in SEO for your SaaS company. The opportunities for expanding your SaaS business becomes significantly high when you work on the SEO. Using these approaches, your SaaS business will surely see a noticeable effect on the SEO rankings.

