Harvesting ROI Takes Patient SEO Cultivation

Beginning an SEO campaign is a little like planting a garden. First, you visualize the result of the beautiful fruits you will harvest. Then you

Google Algorithm Update Explained
SEO The Corner Office Thought Leadership

How Google’s Latest Algorithm Change Affects the Customer Journey

Without a doubt, the internet has changed the way people think about and search for information. In the beginning, the goal of Google’s algorithm was

Content Digital Marketing SEO Social Media

Don’t Fall Victim to These 7 Deadly Digital Marketing Sins

Digital marketing is a term that encompasses all strategies of communicating with your customers using technologies such as the internet, mobile phones, display advertising and

8 Tips on Designing Landing Pages That Retain Customers
Content Digital Marketing Website

8 Tips on Designing Landing Pages That Retain Customers

If you want to drive sales of a marketing product or service, no tool works quite as well as designing landing pages. This standalone web

Digital Marketing Strategy Approach for 2019
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy Approach for 2019

Your digital marketing strategy approach should be different in 2019. Every digital strategy boils down to increasing customer expectations and the consumption of information. The

SEO Acronyms Every Small Business Owner Needs To Know
Content Digital Marketing SEO Website

SEO Acronyms Your Small Business Owners Need To Know

As marketing specialists, we know that equipping small businesses for success begins with helping them understand the basics of SEO acronyms and web lingo. SEO

What's New in SEO in February?
Digital Marketing SEO

SEO Update: What’s New in SEO in February?

Hopefully, your 2019 is off to a great start. Let’s look at what’s new in SEO in February so far. In the first two months

4 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns Today
Digital Marketing Website

4 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns Today

Anyone who’s ever managed a Google Ads campaign knows just how complicated advertising on Google can be. Between all the keywords, bids, ad copy and

Pivot Marketing When Your Strategy Is Failing
Digital Marketing

Pivot Marketing When Your Strategy Is Failing

When your strategy is not working and you change it, instead of saying that you failed, you can say that you implemented pivot marketing. In

Digital Marketing Partner SEO

The Hidden SEO Opportunities for Small Business Owners

Many digital marketers see trouble ahead, especially when it comes to gaining traction with search results. What do you see when you search online?   A

Content Digital Marketing

What To Expect In Marketing For 2019

As we approach the end of another year, we all tend to look at everything we’ve accomplished during the past 12 months, and then see

2018 Organic Search Recap and 2019 SEO Predictions
Digital Marketing SEO

2018 Organic Search Recap and 2019 SEO Predictions

Several key topics dominated the World of Search in 2018 and focused on the need to thrive in organic searches. The algorithm updates focused on