b2b content
Digital Marketing SEO

5 Criteria of B2B Content for Better SEO Results

In 2019, properly optimized and meaningful content remains one of the top SEO requirements for websites to dominate SERPs. But in the B2B sector, criteria

a man walks around with his laptop

Do Businesses Still Need To Worry About Yahoo and Bing?

Today, Google is the acknowledged leader in internet searches. Digital marketers and creators of SEO content tend to focus on working with Google’s algorithms to

seo insights
Digital Marketing SEO

SEO Insights: Boostability at the Pleasant Grove Chamber of Commerce

In April 2019, Boostability was asked to be part of the joint Lindon-Pleasant Grove Chamber of Commerce marketing panel, which was held in Utah County.

Company Video Story
Content Digital Marketing

How to Produce a Company Story Video That Matters

Company stories or culture videos are powerful pieces of media you can add to a marketing campaign. You get to establish a connection with your

Content Digital Marketing SEO

Why It Matters to Google that You E-A-T.

Google makes hundreds of changes to its algorithm every year. In most cases, they are minor tweaks that fix issues or streamline processes. However, there

Digital Marketing SEO

What You Need to Improve on Your Website for Better SEO

Google’s goals have changed from finding the best keyword match to giving people the results with the best relevant content. Although similar, this approach provides

Content Digital Marketing SEO

Quality Content Matters More Than Ever Before

As internet searchers have become increasingly savvy about sales and marketing tactics, the digital marketing landscape has changed. Companies need more than a website and

Content Digital Marketing SEO Website

Mobile First Indexing Has Arrived: 8 Ways Your Site Can Benefit

Google still rules as the undisputed king of search engines. The site handles more than 35 billion queries per day from users all over the

Content Digital Marketing SEO

It’s Not Just Google: Other Places You Should Consider Improving Your Rank

Google’s meteoric rise to internet supremacy is historic. However, as the World Wide Web continues to grow and evolve, this internet giant’s control is waning.

Digital Marketing SEO

How to Increase Ecommerce Sales through Data Feed Optimization

One of the most important (and often overlooked) aspects of successful ecommerce sales and revenue is good quality product data. Plenty of businesses pay attention

Digital Marketing SEO Website

11 Magic Keys to Unlock the ROI Riches of SEO

To the uninitiated, Google can seem mysterious. It’s almost like a magical, all-powerful force that guides your destiny based on your worthiness. Your fate of


What the Avengers Can Teach Us About Digital Marketing Success

I’m going to let my nerd flag fly here for a minute. I jumped on the Marvel Cinematic Universe bandwagon around the time the first