In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, agencies face a constant challenge: staying ahead of the curve in SEO. With ever-evolving algorithms and fierce competition, choosing the right tools is crucial for maximizing client visibility and organic traffic. This guide dives deep into the best SEO software options for agencies, empowering you to make informed decisions based on your specific needs and budget. Let’s get started!

What Is SEO Software for Agencies?

SEO software for agencies is essentially a toolbox designed to help agencies manage and optimize their clients’ websites for better search engine visibility and organic traffic. It’s like a personal trainer for websites, providing insights, guidance, and tools to boost performance.

Here’s a breakdown of what each functionality entails:

Keyword Research

  • Keyword opportunity research: Uncover valuable keywords with search volume, competition, and relevance to your clients’ niche.
  • Universal search analysis: Understand how keywords appear in various search results (images, videos, news) and optimize content accordingly.

Tracking & Analysis

  • Keyword rank tracking: Monitor keyword positions in search engine results pages (SERPs) to track progress and measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Page reporting and recommendations: Generate detailed reports on page performance, identify weaknesses, and receive suggestions for improvement.
  • Competitor tracking and analysis: Spy on your clients’ competitors’ SEO strategies and identify opportunities to outrank them.
  • Backlink analysis: Monitor backlinks (links from other websites) pointing to your clients’ sites, assess their quality, and identify potential link-building opportunities.

Technical SEO & Optimization

  • Site crawl functionality: Simulate how search engines crawl websites, and diagnose technical issues like broken links or crawl errors.
  • Technical SEO crawling and recommendations: Get comprehensive crawls, identify technical SEO issues, and receive actionable recommendations for fixing them.
  • Core Web Vitals analysis: Analyze website speed, responsiveness, and visual stability, crucial for ranking and user experience.

Content & Social Media

  • Content optimization recommendations: Analyze existing content and suggest improvements based on SEO best practices.
  • Social media metric tracking: Monitor social media engagement metrics to understand how content resonates with the audience.
  • Analytics integrations: Connect with other marketing tools like Google Analytics for unified data analysis and deeper insights.

Choosing the right software depends on your agency’s specific needs, budget, and client portfolio. Do your research, compare features, and consider free trials before making a decision.

Best SEO Software for Digital Agencies

Free Tools

While paid SEO software offers extensive features, free tools can be surprisingly powerful for digital agencies starting out or wanting to supplement their existing toolkit.

  • Keyword Surfer (Chrome Extension): This tool analyzes SERPs in real-time and displays estimated monthly search volume, global search volume trends, and keyword difficulty right beside search results. This tool can be super convenient, have quick insights for keyword research, and help gauge competition levels. It’s also important to note that it doesn’t offer an in-depth analysis or historical data limited to single keyword checks.
  • Google Trends: This tool tracks search trends over time for specific keywords and provides insights into seasonality, regional interest, and related searches. This free tool has vast amounts of historical data, which helps understand broader search trends and audience interests. It doesn’t offer competitive analysis or specific keyword metrics and focuses on broader trends rather than individual keywords.
  • Semrush Free Account: This tool has limited access to various Semrush features, including keyword research with limited volume data, basic site audits, and limited competitor analysis. It offers a taste of Semrush’s powerful features and allows basic keyword research and competitive insights. The feature access is heavily restricted, data is limited, not suitable for comprehensive SEO campaigns.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves optimizing a website’s underlying structure and code to make it easily crawlable, indexable, and understandable by search engines. This ensures your website appears in relevant search results and delivers a positive user experience. Here are three essential tools that can help you excel in technical SEO:

  • Google Search Console (Free): This provides valuable insights into how Google sees your website, including crawling errors, indexing issues, mobile usability issues, and site speed. It’s an official tool from Google, has comprehensive data reporting, and identifies critical technical issues that impact search engine visibility. While it has many positives, it requires some understanding of technical interpretation, which doesn’t offer in-depth technical analysis or specific solutions.
  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Free & Paid Versions): These tools crawl your website like a search engine, simulating how Google sees it and identifying technical issues like broken links, missing meta descriptions, and duplicate content. It has a powerful crawler with extensive technical checks, generates in-depth reports, and visually presents site structure for easy analysis. The free version is limited to 500 URLs, while a paid version is required for larger sites with advanced features.
  • GA4 (Free & Paid Versions): Previously known as Google Analytics, this tracks website traffic and user behavior, providing insights into page performance, website speed, and user engagement. It integrates seamlessly with Google Search Console and helps understand how technical issues impact user experience and conversions. However, it does focus on user behavior rather than technical specifics and requires additional analysis to connect metrics to technical SEO issues.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization involves fine-tuning individual web pages to rank higher in search results and improve user experience. By optimizing content, headings, images, and other elements, you make your pages more relevant and appealing to both search engines and users. Here’s an expanded look at tools you can use:

  • On-Page SEO Checker from Semrush (Free & Paid Versions): It’s similar to generic on-page optimization tools, but it’s specifically powered by Semrush data and insights. It integrates with other Semrush features and leverages Semrush’s keyword research and competitive analysis data for more tailored recommendations. The free version offers limited checks, and a paid version is required for comprehensive analysis and competitor insights.
  • Unbounce Landing Page Builder: This tool is a user-friendly platform for building high-converting landing pages optimized for lead generation and specific call-to-action (CTAs). It has a drag-and-drop interface, pre-built templates, A/B testing capabilities, and helps create user-friendly and conversion-focused landing pages. While this is not primarily an SEO tool, it focuses on landing page design and conversion optimization and requires separate tools for on-page SEO analysis.
  • SEO Writing Assistant from Semrush: This AI-powered tool analyzes your content for on-page SEO best practices and suggests improvements to keyword usage, sentence structure, readability, and tone. You can get real-time feedback, which helps optimize content for search engines and users and can improve content quality and readability. These suggestions require human review and editing, but they can be best used as a guide rather than a replacement for human writing.

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization encompasses all your efforts outside your website to improve its ranking and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Unlike on-page optimization, which focuses on optimizing individual web pages, off-page optimization deals with building your website’s authority and trust in the eyes of search engines and users. Here are a few off-page optimization tools to help get you started:

  • Backlink Analytics from Semrush: This comprehensive tool provides in-depth insights into your website’s backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, backlink source analysis, anchor text analysis, competitor analysis, and backlink monitoring. It offers vast data and insights, allows competitor analysis, and helps identify high-quality link opportunities. However, it might require some SEO knowledge to interpret data effectively.
  • SEOquake: This free Chrome extension acts as an on-page SEO checker and provides fundamental backlink analysis features such as on-page SEO analysis, backlink analysis, and social media analysis. It’s free and easy to use, convenient for on-the-go analysis, and suitable for basic backlink checks. It has limited data compared to paid tools and lacks in-depth analysis and competitor insights.
  • Qwoted: This platform helps you connect with journalists, bloggers, and influencers who might be interested in featuring your content or brand in their work. Some tools include content discovery, pitching tools, and relationship management. It streamlines the outreach process, helps connect with relevant influencers, and increases brand exposure potential. Success does depend on the quality of your content and outreach strategy, not guaranteed to secure backlinks.

Keyword Research

Keyword research forms the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. It involves identifying relevant keywords and phrases people use to search for information online, allowing you to optimize your website content for better visibility and organic traffic. Here’s an extended look at current keyword research tools:

  • Keyword Magic Tool from Semrush: This powerful tool offers a comprehensive solution for keyword research, including extensive keyword suggestions, search volume and competitive data, global and regional targeting, top SERP analysis, topic research, and keyword clustering. This has a rich data pool, powerful analysis features, competitor insights, and comprehensive solutions for various keyword research needs. Knowing this can be overwhelming for beginners with its vast capabilities is essential.
  • AlsoAsked: This free tool generates “People Also Asked” questions from Google search results. This is limited to “People Also Asked” questions and might not provide comprehensive keyword data like search volume or competition.
  • Keyworddit: This free tool mines Reddit discussions to discover keywords and topics relevant to your niche. This tool can identify currently trending discussions within your niche. It also uncovers niche-specific keywords and user language and helps understand user sentiment and trending topics. Limitations include relying on Reddit data, which does not represent broader search trends and has limited keyword analysis features.

How To Choose the Right SEO Agency Software

Choosing the right SEO agency software is crucial for optimizing your clients’ websites and achieving their desired results. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps to consider:

1. Define Your Goals

  • What are your clients’ specific SEO objectives? Do they want to increase organic traffic, improve keyword rankings, boost brand awareness, or generate leads? Clearly defining goals will guide your software selection.
  • What challenges do your clients face? Are they struggling with technical SEO issues, content optimization, or backlink building? Choosing software that addresses their specific needs is essential.

2. Research and Compare

  • Identify your must-have features: Create a list of essential functionalities your agency needs, such as keyword research, rank tracking, competitor analysis, technical SEO auditing, backlink analysis, reporting, and integrations.
  • Investigate popular options: Research renowned SEO software like Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz Pro, SERPstat, Mangools, etc., and understand their strengths and weaknesses based on your needs and budget.
  • Read reviews and comparisons: Compare software options based on features, pricing, user-friendliness, and customer support to gain valuable insights.

3. Consider Integrations

  • Does the software integrate with other tools you use? Seamless integration with analytics platforms, project management tools, or reporting software can streamline your workflow and save time.
  • Consider future integrations: Consider future tools you might need and ensure the software offers compatible integrations to maintain flexibility.

4. Look for Customization

  • Can you tailor the software to your specific agency’s needs? Does it allow customizing reports, dashboards, and workflows to match your client’s unique requirements?
  • Flexibility in settings is essential: Look for software that adapts to your agency’s size, structure, and preferred reporting styles.

5. Trial the Software

  • Most SEO software offers free trials: Take advantage of these trials to test the interface, features, and user experience firsthand.
  • Try different tasks and workflows: Simulate your typical agency processes within the software to assess its efficiency and suitability for your team.
  • Talk to customer support: Don’t hesitate to contact support teams with questions or concerns before deciding.

SEO Software for Agencies with Boostability

Navigating the vast landscape of SEO software can feel overwhelming, but remember, the perfect tool doesn’t exist. The best fit depends on your agency’s specific needs, goals, and budget.

You’ve gained a roadmap to navigate your software selection process by following the steps outlined above. Define your goals, research diligently, prioritize integrations and customization, and leverage free trials to make informed decisions. Remember, choosing the right SEO software is an investment in your agency’s efficiency, client satisfaction, and, ultimately, your success in the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization.

So, embark on your software journey confidently, knowing that the chosen tool will empower your team to unlock unparalleled SEO results for your clients. Partner with Boostability! Our white label SEO services can propel them to top search engine rankings and achieve their digital marketing aspirations. Partner with Boostability today!


Ansley is the former Content Marketing Manager at Boostability. Since graduating from Utah State University with two degrees in Communication Studies and Journalism: Public Relations, Ansley specializes in creating engaging and informative SEO content for readers, customers, and partners through different marketing channels. Along with creating new content, Ansley works to keep content organized and creates and executes new content strategies. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, visit National Parks, and loves all things Disney.