COVID-19 Digital Marketing

Small Business Economic Recession Fallout

Part of the struggle we’ve all faced during the coronavirus pandemic is just the sheer uncertainty of it all. One day it’s total doom and

COVID-19 Digital Marketing

Search Sessions | The COVID Customer Mindset – Understanding the Changing Customer to Future-Proof Your Business

When coronavirus hit, customers and businesses had to adapt to the new normal. Communication and needs changed. The restaurant industry had to undergo an immediate

website traffic optimization
COVID-19 Digital Marketing Website

How to Capitalize on Your Down Website Traffic from COVID

I’ve talked to many businesses during this unprecedented time. There’s one common thread for all of them. They’ve seen a tremendous decrease in business in

COVID-19 Digital Marketing

5 Safe Business Practices in a Digital Environment

One of the key principles of 2020 survival is adaptability. We all have needed to learn this skill in new and varying levels throughout the

COVID-19 Digital Marketing Search Sessions

Search Sessions | Protect Local: Evolving Your Business for Today and Tomorrow

COVID-19 changed the digital landscape for local businesses around the world and the long term economic impacts are starting to shake out. More than one

Woman with credit card sitting on a couch with a laptop
COVID-19 Digital Marketing

How Consumer Behavior Changes During COVID-19

“The New Normal”. That’s a phrase we’ve all heard a lot over the past couple months. It’s hard to believe that most of the world

COVID-19 Industry News

Leadership in the Time of COVID-19

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, software powerhouse company Salesforce hosted a webinar featuring one of my favorite humans on the planet, research professor,

COVID-19 Digital Marketing Search Sessions

Search Sessions | How to Thrive in a COVID-19 New Era of Business

In the latest edition of Search Session, Boostability VP of Marketing Amanda Price spoke to Thryv’s VP of Product and marketing Ryan Cantor about how

COVID-19 Digital Marketing SEO

How COVID-19 Has Changed Our Search Experience Forever

Every so often Google drastically changes the way we receive information from our searches. Sometimes they come from seemingly out of nowhere. But you can

A woman works for her SMB on a laptop.
COVID-19 Partner SEO

The Best SEO Strategies for Business Verticals During COVID-19

Boostability services a lot of small business types, and we know just how hard the COVID-19 pandemic has hit our SMB clients. In a recent

COVID-19 Global Industry News

The Role of Big Tech in COVID-19

It’s no secret that we live in a connected world. Technology literally changes by the day. We can now talk and communicate in ways that

A man looks for leads virtually on his laptop.
COVID-19 Digital Marketing Partner

How to Virtually Prospect for Leads

Looking for leads is an age-old struggle, no matter what you’re selling. But when circumstances change, your means of finding leads should, too. COVID-19 has