Taking Your Onsite Content to the Next Level

  This past year, there were a number of major Panda and Penguin updates from Google that caused many website rankings to plummet. The Panda


Naughty vs. Nice: How to Get Everything You Want for Christmas Next Year

Christmas is over. The presents have been unwrapped, the turkey’s been cooked and eaten, and the house is now strewn with opened gifts and wrapping


How to be Successful with International Online Marketing

The Internet is truly turning into the new marketing channel for the 21st century. It has become a key component of most companies’ business and

Optimizing Your Business or Brand on Twitter
SEO Social Media

Optimizing Your Business or Brand on Twitter

Getting heard and found on Twitter has become one of the hardest things to do when it comes to social media marketing. As the Twitter

Why is Correct Product Location So Important?
Digital Marketing SEO

Why is Correct Product Location So Important?

For most brick and mortar businesses, product location is a vital part of business. A retail store wants to put its best, trendiest, most popular,


Getting Your Foot in the Door: Securing a Buy with Smart Content that Communicates

Google’s Panda and Penguin updates have virtually outlawed poorly written and spammy content on webpages. Search engines are looking for more relevant content, and they’re

SEO Website

Broken Links, SEO, and You!

Even if you have never heard the term “broken links,” you’ve likely come across one while surfing the internet. And believe it or not, chances

What is Content Formatting All About?

What is Content Formatting All About?

When it comes to online marketing, there are two major challenges that every site must overcome: attracting users to your site and making your site

Tips and Tricks for Handling your 404 Error Pages

Tips and Tricks for Handling your 404 Error Pages

Have you ever bookmarked a page, only to find out later that the page has been deleted? If so, you’ve undoubtedly come into contact with

SEO Website

How to Prepare Your Site for Higher Traffic and Maximize your SEO Success

  So you’ve decided to start an SEO campaign for your business. Great choice! SEO can provide a lot of high-quality results that will help


Navigating the River of Online Information: Google’s Focus on Quality

One of the best things about the internet is that it is always changing, expanding, and growing. Like the flow of a river, access to


What is a Preferred URL?

URL stands for Universal Resource Locator, which is just a fancy name for an address. But a URL is more than an address; it is