Digital Marketing SEO

Google’s Pigeon Updates The Search Algorithim

Last week, Google released a new update to their local search algorithm. We’ve heard of Hummingbird, Penguin, and Panda. Now, Google has added a Pigeon


What the Page Layout Algorithm Update Means for Your Website

Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Webspam team, recently tweeted a confirmation that, on February 6, 2014, Google released an update to their Page Layout


Boostability and the Future of Guest Blogging: A Response to Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Webspam team and a popular blogger, recently published an article detailing what he calls the “decay and fall of


Google Algorithm Updates – 2013 Rewind

Google made sure that 2013 was an eventful year in the SEO world.  Though critics claim that SEO is dead, 2013 proved that SEO is

5 Ways for Your Business to Ring in the New Year
SEO Website

5 Ways for Your Business to Ring in the New Year

With Thanksgiving now past and Christmas rapidly approaching, the time to start promoting your business online was yesterday. Though your current holiday sales and marketing

Digital Marketing SEO

What does a natural link profile look like?

Over the last few months I have started hearing “What does a natural link profile look like?” more and more. This usually means, “What is


Keywords: The Long and the Short of It

Why are long-tail keywords important if they don’t have much search volume? There is a question I get from clients over and over again: why

how many words of content

How Many Words of Content Should I Have On Each Page?

When SEO was still learning to walk back in the 90s, the average webpage contained around 75 words of content. Now, top-ranking pages consistently top

Digital Marketing SEO

What is The Google Hummingbird Update?

Hummingbird is Google’s largest official algorithm update since 2001, affecting 90 percent of search queries. Google’s senior vice president of search, Amit Singhal, officially announced

SEO Website

Has your website been manually penalized? Now Google tells you.

One of the most common questions we hear from website owners who are considering SEO services is “How do I know if I’ve been penalized


Increase Conversion: Feature the Right Content “Above-the-Fold”

When was the last time you read from a newspaper? A week ago? A year ago?  Today, many of us access the news via the

Boostability News SEO

A Pirate’s Quick Guide to Search Engine Indexing

Remember how fun treasure hunts were as a kid? Remember how fun finding the stuff you need on the Internet is? (The answer to both