There is a lot of great information out there on the internet. A lot of time and effort can be put into building websites, but who is going to be there to appreciate it if your site can’t be found? It seems like a wasted effort, doesn’t it?ย You want your company’s site to be found. In order to be found, there are few steps you can take. That is something that we, at Boostability, strive to help our clients with. It’s what we do.
There are 5 common things people are missing on their websites, and without them, their sites are harder to search for. Your site isn’t necessarily terrible if you are missing a few of these, but it can probably benefit and gain better traffic if you include them. At Boostability, SEO is what we do, and these are 5 things we recommend you include on your site. These tips have proven to help increase visibility in search engines, and therefore proven to increase traffic and revenue. Past blogs written on these topics will be referenced. In no particular order, here are the Top 5 SEO tips we have for your site.
Imagine your webpage like a page in a local newspaper. When you first grab the morning issue, what is the first article that you pay attention to? More than likely, you are going to look at the article with the biggest text in the title. It catches your attention first. Big and bold titles look more important, so you read them first. That is the same reaction a customer or visitor is going to have when they visit your webpage. You want to grab their attention and the best way to do that is with an H tag. Mike Maurin posted a great blog about H tags, which I have linked up above.
Matt Lloyd was our first author to talk about 301 Redirects and when to use them. They are a great tool for those that are migrating to a new website and plan to stay there. It is aย permanentย change and something that you need to take very seriously. Read Matt’s post and then check out 2 follow-up blog posts that I have written on the topic Here and Here
3. No Sitemap
When Google and other search engines want to know where your content is, the easiest and best way for them to get that information is through a Sitemap. In an earlier post, I included information on how to build a sitemap and get it onto your website in just minutes (linked above in the header). And if you have Google Webmasters, there is a method to submit your sitemap directly to Google, which will help speed up the crawling process.
Mike is at it again with another great blog post about a Robot.txt files and how they are another small, yet vital part of any website. ย At the end of any robot.txt file, you will want to put the web address to your sitemap. That is another small tip that can help speed up the indexing process.
5. No Blog
Finally, a lot of companies don’t have a Blog. ย It is something that you may have not considered for your website, but blogs have proven to bring more traffic and web search results. WordPress is a popular program that can be easily installed onto your site, and there are countless blog themes that you can choose from. Having a blog that is regularly updated is a great way to keep customers and visitors coming to your site. Keep customers informed on what your company is up to or innovations in your field by keeping an updated blog.
There are a lot of other great small fixes that you can make on your website to increase your SEO rankings and put you a step ahead of your competitors. These 5ย tips are not the only things you should add to your site, but they are 5 very important things to consider.
Keep checking back with us as we continue to share more insight and tips on how to better optimize your site for search engines and for your customers and visitors!