Boostability monitors tens of thousands of active SEO client accounts on a day-to-day basis. Here are a few key findings over the last month.
Currently, we see a steady increase in search engine ranking across all accounts.
There are two periods – April 4th through 5th and April 25th through 26th – where we saw significant fluctuation within our search ranking data. These fluctuations are also reflected in popular SEO tools such as, SERPmetrics and Moz. We believe this data display a shift in how local search results show (maps vs organics and number of results). Therefore, a possible change to the local search results algorithm may be underway.
Additionally, our results also show a continued climb in the percentage of HTTPS results and a of decline in HTTPS.
We saw 25 out of 30 days positive for general ranking movement. This means we continue to climb toward better rankings for our customers. We expect more fluctuations will occur with continued testing by Google for their ranking algorithms.
Stats and Graphs
Key Articles
As always here are a bunch of read-worthy articles from the last month. Nothing hugely impacting to our client base but good to know or at least have a pulse on.
- Rich Cards – They are now globally supported by Google. (Source)
- Mobile First Indexing – This most likely is not going to be pushed live in 2017, although they are still trying to push it in Q4 2017. (Source)
- Not Enough Non-English Content – Google’s Gary Illyes tweeted “DYK there are many languages that don’t have enough content even for head queries. If you are fluent in more languages, there’s your chance” (Source)
- Webspam Report Blog – Google published a blog detailing what they did to fight web spam in 2016. (Source)
- 50% HTTPS Results – For the queries, they track (more head/national terms) Moz announced they are seeing 50% of the first page having HTTPS. (Source)
- Project Owl – Googles 3 prong plan to help eliminate hurtful or misleading news by promoting more authoritive, high-quality websites, and better user ratings. (Source)
- Potential Algorithm Update 4/24-26 – A lot of tools saw a large amount of fluctuation around this time but no real news or chatter occurred from normal search groups. (Source)
- No Boost for HTTPS – Google announced via twitter they would not be boosting ranking signals for sites with HTTPS. (Source)
- “Best” Maps Filter – For keywords involving the work “best” results are being filtered for 4+ stars to give the users the best results based on reviews. (Source)