Boostability in January: What Has Happened in 2019 So Far?

It’s only January and already plenty has happened in 2019 — for Boostability and in digital marketing overall. Let’s take a look at the most significant events, announcements, and more.
Boostability Moves to Talkdesk
Boostability decided to move to Talkdesk to reduce service interruptions, improve support, and receive consistent data reporting. We have now made the transition and will add at least 150 agent seats over the next year and a half.
Boostability Awards
In 2018, Boostability was awarded some of the most prestigious awards in the SEO and web development sector by Find Best SEO.
#5 Best Web Design Company Award
We are off to a strong start in 2019 with an award from Find Best SEO. We came in fifth place for Best Web Design with a score of 90.58 out of 100.
#1 Best SEO Company of 2018 Award
Boostability came in first place in the 2018 best SEO companies category. We are proud of the recognition and invite you to get to know us better.
Industry News
It’s only January and already plenty has happened in the digital marketing industry. Use these updates to plan your strategy.
Aiming for “People Also Ask” Answers
The way people are searching is undergoing another transformation — users are relying ever more on the “People Also Ask” (PAA) snippet. Last year was all about creating content that was likely to be turned into featured snippets. In 2019, the focus is on becoming one of the answers in the PAA snippet. This will mean writing more content that answers questions in plain language without sales speak.
Chrome Blocks Annoying Ads Worldwide
Google may rely on ad revenue, but it is making no exceptions for annoying ads. The company announced that starting in July, Chrome will be blocking annoying ads in all countries. Ads that fall into this category are any that fail to adhere to the Better Ad Standards. This is already in place for ads in North America and Europe, but it is about to take effect on a global scale. To ensure your own ads stay visible, you need to make sure you’re using best practices.
From the BoostBlog
We’ve been sharing the latest tips and tricks for 2019 along with some expectations for the coming 12 months. Check them out in some of our top posts.
Other Things to Expect in Marketing
There are also plenty of other trends to look out for in 2019. After studying what happened last year, we have made our predictions for the 12 months ahead. Start planning for them now to put your marketing strategy on the right track.
Growing Your Business with Boostability
If one of your goals is to grow your business this year, Boostability can help. We are dedicated to supporting resellers and agencies to expand their services and attract new customers. Find out how becoming a partner and how gaining access to our customizable solutions would work for you.
Hidden SEO Opportunities for Small Businesses
There are more SEO opportunities out there for more small businesses than you may be aware of. Find out what they are and how to take advantage of them.
Drive Growth with a Marketing Partnership
Marketing partnerships are not all created equal. Learn how to build a partnership that will drive growth.
Changes for Boostability in 2019
Boostability will be going through even more changes in 2019. You can expect to see us grow more and provide more partnership support this year. We explain our expectations for the year ahead.
2019 Organic Search Predictions
How did organic search change in 2018? How will it be different in 2019? Read all about our predictions.
Check the Boostability blog regularly to stay up to date on everything digital marketing that happens in 2019. You’ll also find the latest tips and advice to keep your campaigns relevant.