Local search refers to any online search that includes a location. Consumers use this primarily when they are looking for products and services near them. Which makes sense as most of their results are showing them places within 1-10 miles of their location.

Searching based on location allows consumers to weigh their market choices on things like convenience, local reviews and brand image. Businesses can thank local search for helping them rank online above major brands they wouldn’t normally stand a chance against.

At the end of this article is an infographic that will give you a better idea of the basics of local search marketing and SEO services. But first, here are some questions and answers to help give some context to the numbers.


What do consumer habits look like?

Consumers are using local based searching when seeking a service or product. Most Google searches are taking place on mobile devices rather than computers, in countries like the U.S. and Japan. Consumers typically use Apple maps, Google maps, or Maze when looking up local businesses on their smartphones, so if you haven’t listed your business there, people are going to have trouble finding you.

These searches are leading to both in-store visits and offline purchases, as the rule rather than the exception. And of course, simply being seen online isn’t enough; you need to be seen in a positive light. 69% of online buyers use reviews in their selection process and 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.


What are the most common errors businesses make regarding location data?

There are certain mistakes that keep your local listing and SEO ranking from being as effective as they could be. These mistakes can be simple as providing the wrong opening hours or contact information online (email, phone number, address). While you may be thinking that your website would never make these simple mistakes, it is much more common than you would think. One error could be the equivalent of multiple lost customers.


What can you do with this information?

Analyze your own marketing strategy and see how well you are accounting for location-based services within that strategy. If your company is already locally listed, go through the errors listed in the infographic below and make sure you aren’t included in the percentages making those mistakes. Consider hiring help from an expert.

Companies like Navads offer software and assistance specifically for location-based marketing and have published over 600,000 businesses on the map. They can also help with digital reputation management, meaning they can manage your brand image and use of online tools like those local reviews customers trust in so much.

Get on your company on the map, improve your visibility, and experience the results.

local search marketing infographic

