How to Use Google Bard & ChatGPT for SEO

When it comes to artificial intelligence, Conversational AI is the talk of the town. Tools like Chat GPT and Google Bard can generate content in seconds. For SEO teams, this has big implications. But just how useful is conversational AI in boosting performance on the search engine results page (SERP)?
How to Use Google Bard & ChatGPT for SEO
Regardless of whether you go with ChatGPT or Google Bard, both tools offer useful features. But how can they help to boost your SEO efforts? Let’s look at some of the ways that conversational AI can guide content creation.
Creating Outlines
There’s no denying that both ChatGPT and Bard can do a lot. But they also aren’t perfect (more on this later). You definitely don’t want to be uploading raw content from any conversational AI to your website. Instead, both tools can provide a great starting point and be used alongside the best SEO tools to augment your strategy.
Whether it’s generating a blog, email, or social media post, the tools can provide an outline. But from there, make the post your own. Build on the content provided and replace some areas that aren’t up to scratch.
AI can help cut out some of the legwork. It’s up to you to get the piece across the line and to reach an acceptable standard.
Finding Keywords
Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO strategy. But it can also take a lot of time. It’s in this area that tools like ChatGPT and Bard come into their own.
You can ask the tools to find keywords similar to you’re current targets. Let’s imagine that you are a tech company. You could ask Bard or GPT to create a list of keywords linked to ‘best tech products 2023’.
And just like that, the AI will produce a list of relevant keywords. You can then start incorporating these keywords into your content in an effort to boost your SERP ranking.
The results you receive might even help to steer your content in an entirely new direction. For example, you might notice notice that some keywords relate to Apple Vision. Armed with this knowledge, you can start creating content around the topic.
Simplify Existing Text
Remember, a key part of SEO is user experience. If search engines like Google don’t perceive your page to bring a positive user experience, they’ll mark you down in the SERP results. If users are clicking on your content and immediately clicking off, Google will view this as a poor user experience.
That’s why. unless you’re writing for an audience of experts, you don’t want to be using overly technical language. But this can be difficult if you’re writing about a topic you know like the back of your hand.
If you feel that your content is a little too confusing, you can ask the AI to simplify it. The tool will replace complex language with simpler wording, ensuring a more accessible form of content.
Build Meta Descriptions
Meta descriptions are used to inform a user on the SERP about the content of a page. Done currently, a well-written meta description can bring users flooding to your content. But writing meta descriptions is hard – you need to sum up a page in 155 – 160 characters.
Again, this is another area in which ChatGPT and Bard prove useful. You can tell the AI the name of your blog post eg. ‘best FPS titles of 2023’. The tool will then generate a meta description for it.
Plan an Interview
Building a piece of content around an interview with an industry expert can be an effective approach. To really create an engaging piece, however, you need to ask the right questions. The worst feeling is finishing an interview only to think, ‘I wish I’d asked this’.
To make sure you cover as much ground as possible, why not ask AI to create a list of questions for you? For example, you could ask Bard or GPT to ‘create a list of questions for Tim Cook around sustainability in the tech industry’.
Of course, you don’t have to go with all the questions that AI gives you, but it does provide a good starting point.
Generate FAQs
Adding Frequently asked questions (FAQs) to your site is another useful form of SEO. But are you struggling to build an SEO-friendly FAQ? Why not ask AI to do it for you? Simply ask Bard or ChatGPT to generate a list of questions. For example, you might ask the AI to ‘Provide a list of commonly asked questions related to car repairs’.
In seconds you’ll get a list of SEO friendly FAQs. Not only that, but you’re more likely to have a set of questions that align with the queries of your customers.
Spell-check Your Work
One thing you definitely don’t want is for your content to be full of spelling and grammar issues. Firstly, it sends a message of unprofessionalism to your customers – they aren’t likely to think of you as an authoritative voice. Not only that, poorly written content is anathema to the Google algorithm.
So, if you want to climb the SERP rankings you need to thoroughly spell-check your work. But even if you use a tool like Grammarly, you might not spot all the errors. Here again, you guessed it, AI comes in handy.
All you have to do is copy and paste your content into your chosen conversational AI. Not only will GPT or Bard spell-check the document, but it will also suggest ways to make your copy clearer. In the end, you’ll have a more user-friendly piece.
Backlink Building
Every SEO expert knows the importance of backlink building in their content marketing strategy. Gathering as many authoritative sites that link to yours is key for ranking higher in search results. Doing so requires lots of networking with other websites.
You might be surprised to hear that AI can help with your network efforts. Both ChatGPT and Bard can be deployed to help write outreach emails. AI can either suggest some factors to include in your networking email or write an email for you.
Remember, if you go with the latter option, only use the AI’s result as a template. Your networking needs to be personalized to the recipient, that’s a task you can’t leave to AI. Make sure to do your own research and learn as much about the recipient as possible.
Summarizing Documents
For SEO purposes, it can be useful to create a short summary at the top of content. But summing up an entire document in a few lines can be tricky. Why not ask Bard or GPT to create a summary for you? Again, simply feed your copy to the AI and it will produce a summary.
Another equally important way to summerize documents is using visual content like infographics, which can simplify complex information and improve shareability. A free infographic maker can be a valuable asset in creating these visuals, enhancing the appeal of your content to both users and search engines.
ChatGPT vs. Google Bard – Which Should You Choose?
So, you’ve got a better idea of how AI can help your SEO strategy, but which option should you choose? Both ChatGPT and Google Bard are powerful tools; it’s safe to say that both are keeping copywriters up at night. But what exactly is the difference between the two? Let’s find out.
What ChatGPT Does Better than Google Bard
Learning from Conversations
Thanks to conversational learning, ChatGPT is actively becoming better at responding to us. The more conversations that it has, the more accurate and in-depth responses it can produce. That’s not to say that Google Bard doesn’t develop based on conversations. But its ability to do so is much more limited than ChatGPT.
Producing Creative Content
When it comes to producing ‘creative’ content, ChatGPT definitely has the upper hand. Based on a prompt, GPT can create poems, stories, and even song lyrics. Bard is still some way behind and struggles with this kind of content.
What Google Bard Does Better than ChatGPT
Access to Data Sets
Think ChatGPT was trained on a lot of data? Google Bard has access to a whopping 100 times more data than its rival. With access to so much data, the tool can create incredibly detailed responses to queries.
Creates Multiple Drafts
Constantly having to repeat a query until you get a response that you like can be time-consuming. Luckily, Bard creates three different drafts based on each query. A user can then pick their favorite.
Can Code in Many Languages
Want AI to carry out some coding for you? Bard is much more likely to have you covered. The tool can program in over 20 languages. Sadly, ChatGPT is less capable, and can only program in a handful of languages.
The Limitations of Conversational AI
Both Google Bard and ChatGPT can help your SEO strategy in lots of different ways. They are, however, not perfect. It’s important that you understand the limitations of conversational AI before you get in too deep.
With that in mind, here are some of the flaws of Google Bard and ChatGPT.
Lack of a Clear Voice and Depth
When you write a piece of copy yourself, it’s written from your unique perspective. It will contain your voice, and maybe even something of your personality. Copy written by AI, on the other hand, cannot replicate that.
Without making any alterations, the copy generated by either tool can seem a little generic. AI likely won’t create an engaging blog post as copy written by a human.
AI content will also typically lack the depth of an article written by a writer who has done in-depth research. If you want to appear as an authority in your field (which you will) it’s a good idea to couple AI copy with your own research.
Duplicate Content
There’s no denying that both ChatGPT and Google Bard can give some very detailed responses. But can you be sure a similar answer hasn’t been given before? If you put the same query into ChatGPT or Google Bard multiple times, you’ll probably get similar answers.
What’s more other people have probably asked the same questions. That means that there may be many instances of AI content online based on similar queries. When it comes to SERP ranking, the algorithm views duplicate content as a big nono. That’s why you have to be careful when using any AI content on your website.
The Risk of Mistakes
ChatGPT and Google Bard won’t always get it right, and if there are any mistakes it won’t be the AI that gets the blame. An important part of a career in SEO is creating accurate quality content. You won’t always get that by relying on AI.
AI-generated material should always be viewed with a pinch of salt. It’s worth taking time to verify that content is factually correct before using it. If an AI article uses any stats make sure they are all sourced from reliable sites.
Rights Issues
There have already been instances of lawsuits relating to AI. More and more creators are complaining that their content has been stolen by technology. As AI continues to grow and get access to more and more data, these instances seem likely to increase. Becoming overly dependent on AI might see you on the receiving end of a rights issue.
Equally troubling, Google could begin to take action if it detects AI-generated content. You might find in the future that too much AI content actually damages your SERP ranking.
Kickstart Your AI Strategy with AI
There’s no escaping the rise of AI, so why not make the most of it? As we’ve explored, Google Bard and ChatGPT are powerful tools. Used in the right way, they can help inform your SEO strategy. From keyword research to generating FAQs, generative AI can help with almost every aspect of SEO.
But be careful, AI is still far from perfect. If you become overly reliant on technology, you actually hurt your SERP ranking.
The bottom line is that AI can augment rather than replace your existing SEO strategy. It’s worth carrying out an SEO audit to see which areas the technology can help you.
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