4 Valuable Google Analytics Reports You Can Pull in 10 Seconds

In our previous article “The Benefits of Google Analytics”, we discussed how Google Analytics can be used to evaluate your website’s bounce rate, conversion process, traffic sources, and user behavior.
Today, I want to cover some additional tools and reports within Google Analytics.
***For each report, simply imitate navigating to the bold term on the left side of the screenshot to pull up the report for your own website.***
Speed Suggestions
Page load speed is a critical factor for your SEO, user experience, and conversions. This handy report can quickly point out where your website may be struggling. You can click on any column to sort the data so you can quickly see which pages are your best and worst. Even better, there’s a handy-dandy link right there for each page which will show you specific suggestions for improving the load speed! You can also use the search bar to look for a particular page you’re wondering about.
Age Report
Have you ever wondered which age groups are engaging, interacting, or converting on your website? Well guess what – finding out is really easy. For each age group, you can see useful acquisition, behavior, and conversion data. Again, quickly sort the data by clicking on any column.
You can pull similar data for gender or location by simply clicking on the “gender” or “geo” buttons in the same navigation shown in the screenshot above.
In-Page Analytics
This is probably the coolest report you could ever pull up in 10 seconds. With this one report, you can see in a visual way where visitors are clicking on your website and what they are (or aren’t) seeing. For an extra bonus, download the Chrome Extension (Analytics provides a link to this when you go to the In-Page Analytics report). With this tool, anytime you visit your website you will see useful data for a given page, including real time data. An added benefit: you’ll look like a marketing genius to your coworkers.
Note: To get to this report, go to Behavior > In-Page Analytics
Behavior Flow
Do you wonder at what point you’re losing visitors on your website? Look no further than the Behavior Flow report. This is another great visual report that allows you to see how users move from page to page and where they drop off. Simply hover over any page in the process to get additional details.
Have questions about gleaning more valuable information from Google Analytics? Ask away in the comments below. Or tell us what your favorite Google Analytics report is!