How Active Are Facebook Users Really?


Recently, you’ve considered advertising your business on Facebook. You’re looking for a new way to attract customers, and other business owners have mentioned the positive effects of using Facebook.

But you’ve also noticed that people aren’t talking about Facebook as much as they used to. Instead, you hear kids talking about Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites.

You wonder, Should I still use Facebook to market my business? The answer is yes!

Even after a decade, Facebook is still the king of social media. In a study by the Pew Research Center, researchers found that 71% of online adults in the U.S. use Facebook. To compare, only 28% of online adults use LinkedIn, the second most popular social media platform in a crowded field.

Recent research suggests Facebook may now face stiff competition, but we’ll show you why Facebook is still an effective social media marketing platform and how it can grow your business.

Facebook May Show Slower Growth . . .

Fewer new members have joined Facebook since 2013. We mentioned that 71% of online adults use Facebook, but that percentage has stayed the same since August 2013. The only significant change in Facebook users has occurred with adults over 65. The amount of users in that group jumped from 45% to 56%.

We could attribute this slow growth to the rise of other social media sites. In the last two years, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter have all seen membership increase by at least 7%. In 2014, 52% of online adults reported that they use two or more social media sites compared to 42% in 2013. Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion dollars, and this site continues to grow by leaps and bounds while Facebook itself adds users slowly.

Though Facebook sees fewer new users, this site still remains a huge online presence because Facebook users actually participate.

. . . But Its Users Remain More Active

When people join Facebook, they become active participants. 70% of Facebook users check Facebook daily, including 45% who check more than once a day. And these users aren’t just browsing through their newsfeeds. 65% of Facebook users frequently share, post, or comment.

By comparison, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn have had a large increase in total users, but these sites report very little change in frequency of use.

In addition, though Facebook growth may be lagging, 1 in 5 page views in the United States is still on Facebook. This makes it the second most visited website after Google.

Who Uses Facebook, and When Do They Use It?

If you use Facebook on a daily basis, you are most likely a woman between the age of 25 and 34. Research shows that women and Millennials make up the largest demographics of Facebook users.

Of course, individual Facebook users’ profiles vary, but a typical Facebook user’s network looks something like this:

  • Users have around 155 friends, including immediate and extended family members, current and old friends, and work colleagues
  • 45% of Facebook users say they are friends with their parents, while 43% say they are friends with their children
  • 39% of Facebook users are friends with some they’ve never met

Most Facebook users also access the site on a fairly predictable routine:

  • Average Facebook visit is 20 minutes
  • Highest traffic is between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Thursday and Friday have higher number of users online

When you craft a Facebook user’s experience around this data, you can make the greatest impact on a potential customer.

Let Users Connect With You—Use Facebook

As you can see from the information above, Facebook still presents a tremendous online marketing opportunity, even in 2015. But how can you get started?

Most companies use Facebook ads or pages to create an online community of customers. As this community gains more members, more people learn about the business, which can generate more sales.

Remember, once you get your foot in the Facebook door, don’t neglect your account—you need to become just as Facebook-active as your potential users. Visit your Facebook page every day or so, and post industry- or business-specific blogs, advertisements, and information. Include information about your company, such as your address and phone number, and post updates about special sales and discounts.

You can use Facebook to your advantage in a variety of ways. The exact details of Facebook advertising is a topic for another blog, but if you need help to start a Facebook page for your company, look through Facebook’s guide.

Facebook Is Big—Really Big

Facebook’s influence is almost impossible to ignore. You’ll catch references to it in music, movies, casual conversations, and news articles. With over a billion users, Facebook has become—and remains—a worldwide phenomenon.

Help your business thrive in a modern business environment. Start using Facebook to connect with tomorrow’s customers today.

Homer Wolman

No Comments

  1. Nathalie Porter on March 18, 2016 at 10:31 am

    I think that the younger generation, meaning teens, pre-teens and early adulthood age groups are using twitter and instagram more, but for the most part adults in their 20’s to grandma’s age are all on facebook. I think that it is worth promoting your business on facebook. I also think that it is easier to advertise your business on facebook because you can create pages to like, where with instagram and twitter the most you can do is have a trending hashtag. That does not give you much information on the business itself.

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