On August 6, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee published a summary of the “World Wide Web project” to the alt.hypertext newsgroup, and the web as we know it was born. Now just to be clear, the Internet already existed, Tim Berners-Lee contribution was tying hypertext and internet together to create a literal web of information.
In celebration of this momentous 20th birthday, we want to show you how things used to be (pay attention tweens, teens, and twenty somethings).
The first web page, web browser (which was a web editor as well), and web server was run on the below NeXT computer:
The first Web Browser / Editor that ran on the NeXT Computer looked like this:
Silvano de Gennaro said of the picture:
“Back in 1992, after their show at the CERN Hardronic Festival, my colleague Tim Berners-Lee asked me for a few scanned photos of ‘the CERN girls’ to publish them on some sort of information system he had just invented, called the ‘World Wide Web.’ I had only a vague idea of what that was, but I scanned some photos on my Mac and FTPed them to Tim’s now famous ‘info.cern.ch.’ How was I to know that I was passing an historical milestone, as the one above was the first picture ever to be clicked on in a web browser!”
I’m certainly going to think twice about complaining next time my cloud based music service is streaming music to my phone at 3G speed instead of 4G (While I’m emailing coworkers, Tweeting my random thoughts, syncing pictures to my Google +, and adding friends on Facebook).