Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve noticed that 2016 has been an eventful year. The United States voted for a new President. Rio de Janeiro hosted the most recent summer Olympics, where the US rocked it again. The Cubs won the World Series after a 108 year losing streak.
2016 has brought some changes to Boostability, as well. We said goodbye to old friends and said hello to new ones. We parted ways with old partners and brought on new ones. Our foreign offices have grown. Through it all, we have strengthened the ties that hold us together here at home.
However, some things haven’t changed. Boostability continued to be a great place to work. The Boost Culture has never been stronger. We spent 2016 building our teams through hard work and fun activities. Here is a review of some of the more memorable events Boostability has seen in 2016:
Team Activities
Part of what makes Boostability such a great place to work is the teams we work with. Our leadership team strives to create an environment of fun and a fulfillment.

The team leads in Orem spend time at shooting each other at Blaster Tag

The Keyword Research team enjoyed an afternoon bowling

We take 4-square seriously.

Who doesn’t love Mario Kart?
Food Truck Fridays
A good meal goes a long way. Whether our teams go to their favorite haunts or the haunts come to them, Boosters don’t skip too many meals. Our employees have enjoyed a number of Utah Valley’s great restaurants and food trucks, and they like sharing their culinary adventures on social media.
Holiday Happenings
At Boostability, we love to celebrate. It doesn’t take much to whip us into the holiday spirit. We enjoyed a number of great holiday moments this year.

Santa visits Orem

We went all out for Halloween!

National Video Game Day was a blast.

Our giving tree.
Community Outreach
Community outreach is important to Boosters across the company. We don’t just want to help small businesses to find their online niche, we also like giving back to our local communities.

Orem needed help building a playground. Boostability answered the call!

The Red Cross stops by once a quarter. They can count on us to donate.

We made baskets for people. It was awesome.
Summer Party
We held our summer party at the UCCU Center in Orem. Boosters and their families played in giant bounce houses, go-karts, a climbing wall, and a ropes course. The whole event was catered by some great eateries.

You gotta pose at the summer part.

There was lots to do.

It was even fun sitting around and talking.
AMAs and State of the Boost
Our executive team does everything they can to keep Boosters in the know. Once per quarter they visit each office and field questions about the state of Boost. It’s wonderful to have leadership be so open about where we’ve been and where we are going as a company.

Our CTO tells us his story.

We discuss what it means to work at Boostability.
Movie Premieres
Twice a year Boosters gather together and enjoy the latest blockbuster. Over the years we’ve seen some great shows, and 2016 was no exception. In May, we watched Steve Rogers and Tony Stark duke it out in Captain America: Civil War. Recently, we watched rebel troops steal the plans for the Death Star in Rogue One.

Whose side are you on?

Taking selfies outside the theater.

This was her plus one.
All in all, it was a good year, and 2017 will have even more in store for you. Can you say Star Wars Episode VIII?