These Are A Few Of My Favorite [Holiday Marketing] Things

Favorite Holiday Marketing Campaigns

I love the holidays. But not for the reasons you think. I love the holidays because I love to see all the fun and funny marketing campaigns. I look forward to all the commercials and even Youtube some of my favorites from years past to remind me of their cleverness.

Join me for some cocoa and a cookie as I review four of my favorite holiday campaigns from years past.

Oldies But Goodies


I canโ€™t talk about holiday marketing without talking about the branding giant CocaCola. Cokeโ€™s Santa-themed marketing has been a staple in US culture for as long as I can remember. In fact, when I was little, I (and probably many other children of young and impressionable age) had thought Santa only drank the two Cs- Cocoa and Coke. In my older and wiser age, I now know that Santa has more options than cocoa and Coke.

I realize the impact this imagery had on me growing up. Cokeโ€™s repeated imagery year after year has made this drink a symbol of the holidays almost as much as Santa. Every year when I see Santa with a Coke, I am transported back to my pig-tailed youth and remember holidays past.

Take a note from Cokeโ€™s playbook: donโ€™t be afraid to build a holiday strategy for the long haul. If you create a consistent image and message year after year, your customers will begin to naturally associate you with the holidays.

Warm Fuzzies


Starbucks has always marketed itself as a place to connect with others over a cup-a-joe or with the world via their free WiFi. However, their holiday marketing always seems to create a sense of connecting AND sharing. ย And with their โ€œbuy a cup, get a cup to shareโ€ promotion from last year, Starbucks encouraged a sense of selflessness by allowing customers to โ€œgiftโ€ a drink to someone else. Now wouldnโ€™t giving someone a free hot, delicious beverage give you a warm fuzzy?

Now, you can generate warm fuzzies in your own business by creating a sense of giving and selflessness in your holiday marketing or events. You can organize a charity drive and give discounts or a free gift to all who participate. Or you can label your sales like Starbucks did as โ€œbuy one, get one to giveโ€ sales and bank on that warm fuzzy feeling to get customers coming through the door.

Sometimes Laughter is The Best Medicine

Kmart/Joe Boxer

In the past, Kmart was not high on my list of places to get my holiday shopping done. It just didnโ€™t pop into my head as I was checking off my list of gifts.

Until their โ€œShow Your Joeโ€ jingle bell commercials aired in 2013.

The shock of men standing in their underwear. Then the men shaking their hips to the bell-melody of โ€œJingle Bells.โ€ The first time I saw one, I laughed out loud- literally. And then I had to call my sister and tell her about the commercial. And then I told my husband about it when he came home. And when we finally saw it together we sat together laughing at the sheer hilarity and genius of the ad. To this day when I pass a Kmart, I get a smile on my face thinking of men in boxers shaking their hips.

Sometimes the best way to have staying power with your brand is to make your customers laugh. By using laughter, you are helping your customers associate happiness and fun with your business. Every time they talk about or share that funny thought, joke, or video with others they are building awareness for your brand. And in this digital age, any type of humorous campaign can be created and shared across multiple platforms increasing its viral-potential.

So donโ€™t be afraid to โ€œmake โ€˜em laugh.โ€

Trip Down Memory Lane


Holiday marketing can bring up strange memories. And the most interesting brand that I remember from my youth is Folgers coffee. I donโ€™t recall seeing Folgers coffee commercials any other time of year. But when I start seeing holiday ads, the Folgers brand comes to the front of my mind. Now, I donโ€™t drink coffee- Iโ€™m more of a Tea gal myself- and yet I remember these commercials with vivid detail. I can even sing the little jingle, โ€œThe best part of waking up is Folgers in your cupโ€ฆโ€

So why do I end with this example? Because I think Folgerโ€™s holiday marketing has the most value for a small business. Donโ€™t be afraid to jump in and compete with the big dogs during the holidays. ย Even if you donโ€™t do lots of marketing during the year, holiday marketing can make a significant impact on your customers.

Sani Nielsen

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  1. Josh Virchow on November 10, 2015 at 8:51 am

    I enjoy the whole “warm fuzzy” idea from Starbucks! And I remember that Kmart commercial as well lol.

  2. Matt Christensen on November 10, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    Another one is WestJet Airlines. I loved their videos where people at the airport could talk to Santa, ask for what they wanted, and get it at their next stop. It was awesome!

    • Sani Nielsen on November 15, 2015 at 12:49 pm

      That was a genius marketing campaign. It built good will and news of that campaign went viral FAST!

  3. Tonya Davis on November 10, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    Coca-Cola is always a classic. I remember all their commercials with the polar bears sharing coke. I always enjoyed seeing Starbucks’s red cup designs over the years, but this year, it is literally just red. I feel like they should have done more with it, but I get that they don’t really want to offend people, even though they still managed to do that this year.

    • Sani Nielsen on November 15, 2015 at 12:51 pm

      HAHA! Yeah, I think it’s kind of laughable that the cups are blank and people are STILL offended. What kind of world do we live in that people get upset over nothing- literally nothing!

  4. Maria Williams on November 12, 2015 at 2:03 pm

    for me it has to be the coca-cola commercials. I remember since I was little watching during the Holidays and it will make me wish to have snow in Mexico because of their Santa and polar bears commercials.

  5. Steven Spencer on November 12, 2015 at 7:26 pm

    I always think of the Coke commercials with Santa and the Polar Bears.

    • Robin Johnson on November 13, 2015 at 2:19 pm

      That’s the company I almost exclusively associate with holiday branding for me as well. But, as someone who grew up in Alaska, it always irked me when they put polar bears & penguins together. There are no two animals who actually live further away from each other! I end up ranting about it every year. Still, though, I can’t help but associate it with Christmas despite the error. You can just go wrong with Santa, snow, and adorable animals who share & are kind to each other.

  6. Caz* on November 22, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    @SaniDee:disqus I want to see some hot Christmas commercials! Are they on YouTube?

  7. Andrew Williams on December 16, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    I love the Lexus holiday commercials with the white cars with bows. It makes me sad though because they are out of my league, but I like to see them.

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