The Secret Relationship Between Website Building and SEO

Website Building and SEO

Every minute, the internet gets bigger by 380 websites thanks to the ever-expanding list of website building platforms. These tools help people create websites without much technical experience.

This is an attractive option for many business owners. With more and more people searching for business online, a great online persona is more important than ever.

However, building an online presence in a competitive niche is easier said than done. That is why entrepreneurs and marketers want to make sure they aren’t limited by the platform they use.

When website builders initially came to market, their primary goal was to offer an intuitive user-experience. This way, they attracted a large audience, including people without any technical background. This meant SEO was more of an afterthought for most website creators. The platforms didn’t have a few key elements used in on-page optimization, which limited their users. Most website builders corrected those problems over the past few years. But the negative reputation surrounding SEO still lingers, and the way website building and SEO are connected can still be confusing.

Team members at wanted to know if certain do-it-yourself website builders ranked better on Google. So they put them to the test. They set up an SEO experiment where they tested the following hypothesis:

  1. Website builder sites will get indexed.
  2. WordPress and self-coded pages will rank higher on average compared to non-Wordpress hosted sites.

What did their setup look like and what were the results? What’s the relationship between website building and SEO? Take a look at the infographic below to find out.

seo tooltester


Robert Brandl’s passion have always been web tools that make your life easier. That’s why he founded the WebsiteToolTester, where you can find reviews and tutorials for the world’s best website builders and e-commerce platforms. For more info on the above research, take a closer look at their website builders SEO experiment.
