17 Ways To Think of Blog Topics
You may already be blogging for your business. Awesome.
You may not yet. That’s okay too.
Whether you’re just starting, or you’re already in the blogging game, it couldn’t hurt to get some guidance on how to think of blog topics.
Let’s face it, even the most creative people get writer’s block. It happens.
We’re going to help guide you through ways to think of more blog topics…..
Here we go!
#1 Think about the questions that your customers ask
You can answer those questions in creative ways through your blogs.
#2 Think negative or positive
For example, “The Best Way to _____” or “The Worst Way to _____”
#3 Switch up the format of past blog posts (if you’ve already written posts)
For example, “The Complete Guide to Training for a Triathlon” could be changed to “The Necessary Steps to Take before You Compete in a Triathlon”.
Of course you would change the content of the blog too, not just the title. However, while the content should be new, some of it can be very similar to your other blog, just re-formatted.
#4 Pros and cons lists can be written for almost any type of business
Think about a topic related to your business, then think about what some pros and cons are within that topic. There ya’ go.
#5 Tutorials are a great way to gain reader interest
You can write a tutorial teaching people how to do something that’s related to your business.
#6 Case studies work well to seriously engage people
When people are looking for certain information or results, they want to see just that…certain information and results. Case studies are a great way to provide information in a factual format and can be written through a blog.
#7 Think about things that you can compare between each other that are related to your business
For example, if you’re an ice cream shop, you could write a comparison post on ice cream without toppings vs. ice cream with toppings.
#8 What are the greatest misconceptions about your business?
Write a blog about them to clear them up.
This could also branch out to your Industry, a specific product, or a specific service.
#9 Talk about the most up to date trends in your industry
There are new trends (large or small) in pretty much every industry. Give insight or commentary about what is going on.
#10 If you’ve learned some lessons this year, you should let people know what they are
Yes, there may be certain parts about your business that you don’t want to be public. That’s completely fine. However, there may be some random lessons you have learned that could make for an interesting blog post and wouldn’t hurt your brand. Go ahead and share them so others can learn too.
#11 Does your business solve a problem?
If so, write a creative blog post detailing some of the problems your customers have had. Then just briefly touch on the fact that you can help solve that problem.
#12 There are certain quotes that apply well to different businesses
Think about some quotes that apply well to your business and write a blog about the quotes and how they relate to your business. People love quotes.
#13 Write about legislation
If your business has to deal with a variety of legislation to operate you can write a blog about legislation changes that could affect the industry you’re in.
#14 Profile happy customers
Hopefully you have a lot of happy customers. You may already have put testimonials on your website, but have you written a blog profiling them?
You can write blogs that tell their story. Let them have the spotlight a bit, but also promote your business in a positive way.
#15 Think about what a typical day in your business looks like
You can write a blog about this. Give a little behind the scenes peek into your business operations.
#16 When you’re walking around and living your normal life, look around and take notes of random things you see
Blog ideas surround us everywhere. Be open to inspiration.
#17 If your business helps someone change something, then you can write a before and after post
For example, if you re-do furniture, you can post a picture of the piece of furniture before you re-do it, and after it’s re-done. Tell the story of the makeover.
There, you have a collection of ideas to get your wheels turning.
Below are also a few online tools you can utilize to help you think of blog topics:
Type in a topic and the app will spit out a large list of different Google searches that people are making related to those keywords.
HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator
Enter words that you want to write about into the fields and their system generates up to a week full of blog posts.
These tools aren’t perfect, but they are helpful.
Coming up with topics may feel like a hit or miss process, and sometimes it can be, but don’t be afraid to branch out and try a range of different things. Just always make sure that the branch is connected to the tree (your brand’s main message). Over time you will develop a better idea of what your audience wants, your brand voice, and what works best for reaching your goals.