Upgrade Your Twitter Marketing With These 7 Proven Ways

While people have acknowledged Facebook as a platform for business and personal communication, Twitter occupies a different space in business communication and operates by its own set of rules. You need to learn how to write tweets, when to publish them for maximum visibility, how to boost your engagement on the site, and how to stimulate more traffic to your site. Once you learn these tactics, you will make money from your links with Twitter.
So, how do you hope to improve your Twitter marketing strategies for better effect?
Here are seven ways by which you can achieve much more through Twitter marketing:
1. Don’t use links when you tweet
According to research, tweets without links get more attention than those with links. That’s because it’s obvious that not everything you might tweet needs to be accompanied by a link. By reducing the number of links you share on your Twitter account, your tweets will be more valuable.
You need to recognize that Twitter is a great network to create your brand and build trust, so it would help to spend all your time here forging relationships with fellow-Twitter users rather than sharing several links. Further, the fewer the links you share, those who know you will click the links you post.
2. Put your tweets in the right context with hashtags
For better visibility, it helps if you give your tweets the right context by adding hashtags to them. However, take care not to have too many of them.
3. Add images
If you add images to your tweets, obviously they will stand out. You can use one of the many tools available, like Twitshot, to find the image you want to use in your tweets. By including visuals and videos in your tweets, you make them more interesting, and people will bear you in mind and give you more re-tweets and favorites.
4. Write strong copy
Considering that each tweet cannot exceed 140 characters, you need to craft your tweet very carefully. To make your copy crisp, you need to have a well-written call to action, and ask for a download. Asking for a re-tweet also increases re-tweets by at least 300%.
5. Tweet at the best time of day
If you want the maximum attention on your tweet, publish it when your audience is attentive. You should get it out to them when they are tweeting or on Twitter so that they see it immediately. For instance, research tells us that six percent of all tweets are sent between 5 and 6 pm. The highest click-through rate is over the weekend. The best time to tweet is between lunch time and 6 pm when employees return home.
6. Connect with people who matter and tweet with them
If you tweet as a business owner, you should find someone to follow, hoping he’ll follow you back. Even if you have an impressive number of followers, if they aren’t interested in the subject of your tweets, it won’t take you anywhere.
Also, you should use tools like Twellow, Follower Wonk, and Wefollow, so that you can find people in your geographical area who are, perhaps, also interested in your line of business. If this is so, don’t waste time–start following them today.
Secondly, once you locate your target audience, start tweeting with them. Listen to their conversations, and add your comments from time to time. Follow all those who talk about your industry and let them know you’re an expert. If you do these things, you will be able to run a good Twitter campaign which will give you all the exposure you need online for your business.
7. Pepper your tweets with keywords
Keywords are truly content’s backbone, so it helps to have them in your 140-character content on Twitter too. You need to make a list of all the keywords that are applicable to your business and field. Use them when you draft your posts and see how people of similar interests will show interest in your posts.
You can tweet anything, but only the best and most useful tweets grab attention. In order to write attention-grabbing tweets, ensure that you incorporate the most important elements in a way that makes them stand out and cause people to begin to associate you with really good information. Doing this will increase your follower count. Your online visibility will then increase multifold and your sphere of influence will also widen.