5 Tips to Help You Define Your Target Audience

how to define your target audience

This article was originally published July 2018 but was updated on August 18th, 2022. As a marketer, you may think traffic is the most important indicator that your strategy is working. Yes, traffic is important. However, traffic that doesnโ€™t include your target audience wonโ€™t result in leads or revenue. Now more than ever, it’s critical…

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Does Website Traffic Affect SEO?

search bar within search engine

Many businesses want their website to rank highly on search results and that’s why they need to know whether website traffic will affect an SEO strategy. Studies show a correlation between high website traffic and high Google ranking. Google considers website traffic, among other factors, when ranking websites on search results. Search engine ranking results…

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Content Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2022

Web software creation concept. Cross platform app development. Hanging laptop with abstract programming elements and code snippets. Banner of internet technologies, seo, website development.

The digital marketing landscape has witnessed a variety of changes and new trends in the last couple of years. With the arrival of the pandemic and shutting down of markets and outdoor life in general, the digital landscape gained more prominence and became an inseparable part of lives all around the world. The increased dependence…

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How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy in 8 Steps

Marketing strategies

As a small business owner or marketing team member, your priority is to acquire new customers and scale your business. You have to find ways to get your brand, products, and services out there, in front of your target market. You have to make people aware of your business and help them find you easily,…

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Email Marketing: Can It Help Your SEO Efforts?

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most helpful techniques marketers use to gain exposure and, when done correctly, it can boost essential aspects of your marketing game. But how is that? As you can see from the graph above, half of your website’s traffic comes from organic search results, which means it’s imperative…

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Generating Higher Conversion Rates and More Sales Through Websites

grey studio devices with creativity website

Conversion rate optimization refers to the process of analyzing user behavior on your website and finding ways to improve the user experience to get users to take a particular action and improve your conversion rates. While many businesses will be familiar with the concept of conversion rate optimization, it’s a whole another story when it…

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