You have only 110 characters to convince someone to click on your PPC text ad versus your competitor’s. Twitter icon How are you going to accomplish this? Here are some top tips to help you with your goal of earning more clicks.

The Anatomy of a Text Ad

First, it is important to understand the elements that make a traditional text ad. There are four main areas: headline, description line 1, description line 2 and display URL. The headline is the first line of a text ad. It is the most attention-grabbing element of an ad. Many advertisers include the keyword searched in this element.

anatomy of a ppc ad

Description lines 1 and 2 are generally used to describe the features and/or benefits of a company or product. These description lines usually include a strong call-to-action too. Keep in mind that in mobile ads, sometimes the description line 2 is not displayed. Thus, if you are going to be targeting the mobile user, it is a good idea to include the most important information in description line 1.

The display URL is the URL you want displayed to the public (it does not need to be the same as the destination URL and it doesn’t need to be an existing URL).

Tip: Consider Your Keywords and Adgroups Twitter icon

Before writing the ads, you’ll want to consider the keywords and adgroups. Ensure they coincide directly with your ads or you may not get the click. For example, let’s say you have four adgroups in a PPC campaign for a local plumbing company. The adgroups are drain cleaning, water heater repair, fixture installation and general repairs (the keywords are respective of the adgroups). For the drain cleaning adgroup, your ad should tie in to the features and benefits of your drain cleaning services (not water heater repair or fixture installation). By connecting the keyword with the ad text, you are increasing your chances of a positive interaction with the searcher, a click and, most importantly, a conversion.

Tip: Check Your Competitors’ Ads Twitter icon

Ready to write the ads? One more tip before you start. Check you competitors’ ads prior to creating ad copy. Why? You want your ads to stand out, not blend in with all of the others. If the other ads look the same, try new wording or a new angle for your ads.

Tip: Don’t Repeat Yourself Twitter icon

Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself. This one is self-explanatory. You have 110 characters – use the real estate wisely.

Tip: Consider the Audience’s Buy Needs Twitter icon

Does your audience need a plumber 24/7? How about a locksmith? Is it important to show that the locksmith is available 24 hours a day? You bet it is. Be sure to include that information in the ad copy if it is relevant to your company.

Tip: Don’t Promise Something You Can’t Deliver Twitter icon

Although it may seem obvious, overpromising happens often in ad copy. How many times have you clicked on an ad that claimed one thing and delivered something different? I can think of a handful in the past few days. I was recently looking for a free software program. Many ads for these programs claimed they were free. However, when I got to the landing page for one of them, I quickly discovered an annual fee associate with this “free” software.

Tip: Use Clear & Simple Language Twitter icon

Be sure to use language in your ad that makes sense to your audience. Use terms familiar to them. Avoid using abbreviations that your audience may not understand.

Tip: End Description Line 1 with Punctuation Twitter icon

Put a punctuation mark at the end of description line 1? Yes. If your ad appears at the top of the page, the description line 1 can be included on the same line as the headline if it ends with a punctuation mark. It’s a good habit to get into regardless of ad position.

Tip: Include a Compelling Call-to-Action Twitter icon

What do you want your audience to do? Call for an appointment? Fill out the form? Download the free whitepaper? Purchase software today? Be sure to include a clear and compelling action statement.

Tip: Use Trademark or Registered Trademark Twitter icon

If your company is well-known or sells products that are popular, it is helpful to show they are official by including the Trademark ™ or Registered Trademark ® symbol if applicable. It’s especially effective to use these symbols when your competitors are not.

Tip: Consider Using Provocative/Vivid Language Twitter icon

Your ads suck.

Did I get your attention? If your ads are struggling, consider using language that’s a little more stirring. Get people’s attention by including text that is provocative. For example, “You’re Spending Too Much on Rx” or “Stop Losing Money on Rx” or “You’re Throwing Away Money.” These statements are more attention-grabbing than simply saying, “Use Our Rx Savings Program.”

Tip: Include Benefits (Not Just Features) Twitter icon

What is the difference between features and benefits? Features are statements about your product or service, including dimensions, specs and what it can do. Examples of features include “available in various colors” and “low price.” Benefits are the result that can be accomplished by the product or service: “stylish on the town” and “significant savings,” for example.

Tip: Don’t Forget the Display URL Twitter icon

Many advertisers forget about the display URL. Don’t. It’s another place in the limited real estate space of your ad to convince someone to click on your ad versus the ad above or below. A best practice is to include the keyword or subject of the ad at the end of the URL (the URL does not need to exist). Example: This is more likely to encourage a click than

Tip: Include Keywords in the Copy Twitter icon

When keywords searched for appear in the ad copy, they are bolded. The bolded keywords stand out to the audience and can encourage a click.

With 25 headline characters and 35 characters each for description line 1, description line 2 and the display URL, you need to use each character wisely. How will you use them?




  • Maria Williams, May 18, 2015 @ 1:01 pm

    Good Article Jan ! I don’t handle #PPC but it’s good to know this information !

  • Josh, May 19, 2015 @ 8:07 am

    Great article.
    I really like your tip to not over-promise. That’s a huge issue for me when listening to or reading advertisements. It can be tough to be willing to trust ads sometimes. Making accurate statements builds trust.

  • Liliya, May 20, 2015 @ 2:27 pm

    great article!

  • Jamison Michael Furr, May 21, 2015 @ 1:04 pm

    The display URL tip is one a lot of people don’t take advantage of, but you’re right on about it being another good opportunity to convince people to click through on your ad. Plus, more chances to get the bolded keywords in the search results 🙂

  • Jan Eliason, May 22, 2015 @ 2:03 pm

    Thanks Liliya! Hopefully you learned something you can implement.

  • Jan Eliason, May 22, 2015 @ 2:03 pm

    One of the most frustrating parts of being a consumer… yet, something overlooked all the time by marketers. Crazy!

  • Jan Eliason, May 22, 2015 @ 2:04 pm

    Thanks Maria. If you do any kind of marketing or communications, you may handle PPC one day (or at least you could give the PPC team some great insights).

  • Jan Eliason, May 22, 2015 @ 2:05 pm

    Amen, Jamison! With the limited real estate in a paid text ad, it’s a no-brainer.

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