The Online Marketing Trifecta: Web, Content, & Social Media
Content Digital Marketing SEO

The Online Marketing Trifecta: Web, Content, & Social Media

Business owners peruse the internet, coming across web page after web page of regurgitated information boasting buzzwords like creative content and quality leads without any

Reviewing Website Ranking Account Trends
Digital Marketing SEO

Reviewing Website Ranking Account Trends

Website Ranking Trends and Fluctuation When reviewing organic success it is paramount to pair rankings and analytics together. This is more crucial than ever given

How to Get Rid of a Google Penalty Once and for All
Digital Marketing SEO

How to Get Rid of a Google Penalty Once and for All

Uh-oh. You’ve hired a sub-par small business SEO company or you’ve used old SEO tactics and now you’re the recipient of a Google penalty .

Digital Marketing SEO

To Have or Have Not: How Exact Match Domain Affects Your Rankings

Do a little research on exact match domains (EMD)—also called keyword domains—and you’ll soon notice a lot of conflicting opinions. Some SEO bloggers insist they’re

Digital Marketing SEO

4 Ways You’ll Definitely Get a Linking Penalty

When it comes to linking, you’re probably aware of most of the rules. Still, many of you are practicing linking habits that are common and

Content Digital Marketing SEO

How Google’s Panda 4.1 Update May Affect Your Website

Earlier this week Google started a roll out for an improved Panda algorithm update – Panda 4.1.  Google’s most recent Panda update focuses on giving

Content Digital Marketing SEO

Common Duplicate Content Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Most people understand that using plagiarized content on their websites isn’t the most honest practice. These people also know that Google, Bing, and other search

Digital Marketing SEO

What Is Semantic Search?

Semantic search sounds like a foreign language, I know. It’s not.  It’s a big word to describe a pretty simple concept.  Semantic search is the

¿Cómo Es Qué Google Plus Es Importante Para Mi Negocio?
Digital Marketing SEO Social Media

How Is Google Plus Important to My Business?

Did you know over 300 million people are currently active on Google’s Social Media platform, Google+?  Internationally, Google+ is considered the second most used social

Digital Marketing SEO

3 Tips for Getting Local Rankings in Record Time

If you’re doing SEO right, there is no quick fix to launching your site to the top of the search results (for more info on

SEO Leader Boostability Places #254 on Inc. 500/5000 2014
Boostability News SEO

SEO Leader Boostability Places #254 on Inc. 500/5000 2014

    SILICON SLOPES, Utah, Aug. 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — In the five years since its founding in 2009, growth has been the greatest constant for Internet marketing

Digital Marketing SEO

Preparing for the Future of Google Updates

It seems as though whenever there is a major update from Google we have a rise of SEOs in the industry discussing the casualties of