How to Optimize Images for Your Ecommerce Website

ecommerce image optimization

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Especially for ecommerce website images, itโ€™s important to optimize these images for them to be successful. Itโ€™s not uncommon for ecommerce website pages to have a variety of images, for this reason itโ€™s important for each and every one of them to be optimized on your…

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How to Set Up Google Search Console

Google Search Console icon

This article was originally published on June 10th, 2021 but was updated on May 19th, 2022. Google Search Console is a valuable tool for SEOs and webmasters alike. It provides a great deal of data and information that can be used to further enhance your websiteโ€™s positioning on search engine results pages (SERPs) and user…

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Google Search Analytics API Updates

3D SEO Optimization, web analytics and seo marketing concept. 3d

Google Search Console Performance reports help your business understand your website and know how itโ€™s performing. Along with these reports, Google Analytics API can also play an important role in pulling data from different areas of Google. After many requests from the industry and its users, Google is finally providing expanded support, data, and capabilities…

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Keeping Up and Tracking Google Algorithm Updates and Trends

Leadership concept with red paper plane leading among white on blue background

When talking with our partners about some of the struggles they face and how we can better help, one of the biggest topics weโ€™re asked about is just being able to keep up with the trends and innovations that come so often in the tech and SEO realm. And admittedly, with frequent algorithm updates, it…

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What Is the Google Search Console and How To Use It To Boost Your Business

Google search console

As a proactive business owner, you often find yourself looking for new tools to improve your company website. Over the years, youโ€™ve probably spent thousands of dollars on software and apps that donโ€™t always give you the return on investment you need. You might also feel wary of any app that promises no-cost services. Still,…

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