SEO: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Girl Holding her Ponytail

While startups and corporate giants alike use the SEO process to improve search engine ranking with minimal expense, many have unrealistic expectations for their SEO campaigns. They envision reaching coveted first-page status in Google search results in a matter of weeks or even days. In reality, SEO takes much longer than a few days to…

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The Business of International SEO Ranking and How to Do It

Guy in the Snow with a Yellow Coat

One of the great benefits to having a website or online business is it can dramatically increase who can find your products and services. This rings especially true for internet-based businesses that provide non-physical services like digital marketing, graphic design, consulting, and so on. The ability to pull users from a neighboring country or counties…

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What You Missed at MozCon 2019 | Day 3

The three days spent in Seattle at MozCon 2019 were a great experience that I would recommend to any digital marketer or SEO specialist. As someone who works as the latter, the insights gained and actionable items were too many to count. We here at Boostability are dedicated to bringing you the best SEO focused…

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How to Improve Local SEO Through Local Content

The greatest gift that Local SEO gave to SMBs was a way to stay relevant in a digital age. And a way for larger businesses to get in front of more good-fit consumers at the very moment they are ready to purchase.  Sure, Google basically owns the world of online search with around 93% of…

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How Is SEO Different From Paid Search?

Outside of marketing circles, many people attribute anything to do with keywords to search engine optimization. This is only partially correct. SEO mostly focuses on the use of keywords to drive organic traffic to a website. However, so does paid search. This is the fundamental similarity that allows one strategy to feed into the other.…

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What You Missed at MozCon 2019 | Day 2

Day 2 of MozCon 2019 was packed with great insights and powerhouse presentations from industry leaders. As the Boostability marketing SEO specialist, I was able to attend and glean some highlights from each of the presenters. Here’s a quick rundown of my notes.   Building a Discoverability Powerhouse: Lessons From Merging an Organic, Paid, &…

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What You Missed at MozCon 2019 | Day 1

If you didn’t have the chance to attend MozCon 2019 in Seattle, then you missed out on a wealth of knowledge. The conference covered every aspect of digital marketing with never a dull moment. I’m Mike Marsh, the SEO specialist for the Boostability marketing team, and I’m going to fill you in on what you…

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Here Comes the Sun—And Changes To Your Web Traffic

Summer is a time many people throw their cares out the window and make the most of life. Depending on who you are, the ideal summer might look like a beachside vacation complete with cold martinis and tan lines. Or, it might look more like a few months of hard, fulfilling labor completing a service…

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Seeing Is Believing: Crafting a Visual Content Strategy

Consumers typically scan digital content, rather than read it start to finish.  As a result, you only have a few seconds to catch their interest. Humans process images 60,000 times faster than text and retain 80% of what they see. This means that content accompanied by visual aides are more effective in those few seconds…

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